
Midlife Motherhood


Anyone else asking, where did the school year go? It flew by quickly! As my teens exit their Freshman year of high school, and plunge into Sophomore year in the Fall, I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that the score is one down, three to…

Making the decision to reach out to midlife and accept what it has to offer, has been quite a learning experience. Not that I have embraced all that has happened in the “middle years,” but I’ve found that it’s a lot simpler to accept what is coming your way, and…

From the pull-down menu on the website I’m visiting, I click on “Kid Ages.” I glance quickly in a downward motion and scan the words, Babies Toddlers Pre-schoolers Elementary Aged Tweens and Teens, I stop there. I don’t want to go any further. Let’s just pause here for…

I’ve come to the conclusion that teenagers and dogs have quite a bit in common. After spending the Summer with the “four of them,” I began to notice many similarities, in a good way. They may not speak the same language, well sometimes, but the similarities are definitely…

The old saying is true, “Blink, and they’re all grown up!” Well the proof is in the picture. The young lady in the red dress is my daughter. Attending the 8th grade dance was a milestone, an opportunity to savor time with friends and make some memories. As…