One more day of kid-less freedom! The suspense is overwhelming! Summer break starts tomorrow at 4:10 p.m., and as usual, I am not mentally prepared at all! Since the wranglers are firmly anchored in the “bad-attitude orbit,” I can almost predict how summer will go. These two kids are…
Backyard tropical paradise was turned upside down and sideways, when a storm moved through our area on Monday. Luckily we have a basement and that’s where we rode out the storm. Mother Nature had quite a show of power right in our backyard. When we emerged from the…
Mommies In Orbit is currently trying to prepare herself for a hair-raising experience that will knock a couple of years off her life and push her right over the edge. Yes, it’s called a family vacation. Oh no, not like you’ve seen in the movies, I mean a real live barbarian-battling vacation…
How is it that my parents even survived raising three kids? They day we all left the nest, there should have been a parade, grand honors, and money falling from the skies, so they could take themselves on a nice long vacation. You wouldn’t think that two-ten-year-old wildebeasts could…
To my beautiful niece Jennifer, Mommies In Orbit dedicates this blog post to you and your grand accomplishment, graduation, Master of Education, Counseling. It wasn’t easy, but you persevered, jumped through every hoop you could ever imagine, and made it to graduation day! Congratulations! I’m thrilled and so happy for you! Go out there in the…
Moms Who Have Twins May Live Longer: Study Says OMG, my brain about split in half when I saw the headline. A lot of unexpected stuff can happen when you have twins, but living longer? Yikes! So where in the hell are the experts when you need an extra hand? …
When I took the pledge to become a Mom, I had no idea what my brain was about to be subjected to. Really, this is motherhood, no wonder I’ve avoided it like the plague for so long.Our day begins with an abundance of screaming and sniping. It’s not enough to get…
Could Mother’s Day have gone any better? Nope, Could the weather have been any nicer? No way! Could the wranglers have behaved any better? Probably not! What more could a Mom ask for?The kids wrote a poem for me and picked out some really random cards. Got some…
Yes, I’m talking about the kitchen, my window to the world. Outside this particular window is where Mommies In Orbit can watch the wranglers swimming, swinging high enough to stop a heartbeat, battling like mad barbarians and just generally having fun. This is also where the aliens do their homework, at our mission…
OK, so this was not quite the way I planned my grand pool opening day. The water is green not turqoise as planned and the wranglers are both sick. Not to mention the sun never made an appearance at all today! You think I would have learned by…