First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there! Mother’s Day means something special to each of us, in our own personal way.  It doesn’t matter how your children came to you. Whether they arrived as expected, or they were a bit of a surprise. Maybe they came to you miraculously through  fertility treatments, or they blessed you through adoption or surrogacy. What matters most is that they are here and they are our precious children.

For many years I avoided having kids like the plague, then it hit me, I wanted to share my life with a child. This did not come easily to me, since I  was a late bloomer in the Motherhood arena. Dear old Mother Nature had plans for me that I never expected. She was about to show me the rocky road to Motherhood!

To make a long story short, I’m the proud Mom of twins! Getting to that point took a lot of perseverance, hope, prayers, and medical miracles. There were many twists, turns, times of complete sadness and hopelessness, and then a beautiful surprise.  After four years of infertility treatments, three miscarriages and more medical tests than I care to mention, I was blessed with a healthy boy and a girl.

My kids are no longer kids, but young adults. At age fourteen they are blossoming into the finest and most beautiful people I could ever imagine. I am very proud of their accomplishments, and the awesome young adults they are becoming.  I know how lucky I am to have Ben and Jen in my life, they are both truly miracles.

Being a Mom is a tough job to say the least, but well worth the everyday struggles. On this Sunday, we will gather together with our families and share precious time with our children. Time goes way too fast, and I for one, wish to enjoy each and every moment I’m given.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Benjamin and Jennifer on the porch.


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