What’s one of the most important rules I’ve learned from being a parent now for the past thirteen years? Yep, to pick and choose my battles with my kids. This one hard learned lesson has saved my butt more than once. It’s one of the most difficult decisions to adhere to, but in doing so I’ve been able to reason with my kids, on occasion, avoid constant migraines, and live a calmer life.

Some parents may call this giving in or being passive, but I’d like to think that I’m adding a couple of years to my lifespan by not engaging myself full-throttle in every battle. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a “push-over parent,” and raising two 13 year olds is not for the faint hearted. They have their days when they come at you like an asteroid out of control. Thankfully, I can send them to their rooms and shut the door. Sometimes I think they actually enjoy the solitary confinement! I know that I cherish it!

Sometimes I think they just need some time to be alone with their evil little attitudes and make some adjustments before they are able to re-join the family. Time-outs are not only for toddlers, they work well for teenagers too! I say, “Outta sight, out of mind.” Margarita time for Mom, while the hormonally-charged teens take some time out to re-group.  Seems like a win-win situation to me!






  1. Agreed, Karen. I try not to pick up every rope my cherubs start tugging upon. I’m a stubborn girl by nature, so it’s difficult at times, but I’m learning.