Senor Frog and Friends!

OKEE-DOKEE wranglers, so Spring Break is finally here, now what? It’s a good thing to just hang out in our PJ’s and play video games, watch Spongebob Squarepants, and just generally CHILL!  Senor Frog seems content since the snow is gone and he has some new little friends too!

I guess you can tell my mental state is going downhill rapidly since I’m often on the deck taking pictures of ceramic frogs and friends. I can’t blame all of my weirdness on being home 10 days with the wranglers.

I actually have a valid reason for my behavior, it’s called living in the Mommy Sleep Deprivation Orbit! It’s where I’ve been hanging out at night. I could see how useful it would be if my kids were demanding midnight feedings, it would be logical to be up all night, but they are 10 going on 11.  BTW, why is spring break all about kids? What about Mommy? Just because I pissed off the fertility gods doesn’t mean I should have to shuffle the kids around to movies, skating, friends’ houses and who knows where else.

My sleep deprived orbit.

In a logical world, the adults would also get a break where they could plan their perfect day:

  • No alarm clocks in sight.
  • Drink a huge cup of coffee, free refills.
  • My kids and their activities have already been outsourced for the day = kid-free day.
  • Shower, in peace, dress in Mom jeans, and head out.
  • Have lunch in a real sit-down place, no grub in-the-bag today.
  • Engage in some heavy-duty shopping.
  • Stop for a frozen yogurt delight on the way home.
  • Pull up in driveway and see wonderful family in spacious minivan waiting to whisk Mom off to dinner.
  • Sleep the entire night through.

Now, isn’t that better? Isn’t that fair? It’s time to question authority and change the rules!

Hooray for parents everywhere!

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