Mommy says, “You will not complain!!”

Kids, I realize that you want this and you want that, but these requests are out of this orbit. Rocket Boy has a computer set-up that most kids would love to have. He has a laptop, and a separate keyboard and large monitor, so he can work on his animation projects, and what do I hear? 

“Mom, this game is impossible!” 

“I’m getting weird messages again and this computer has seen it’s day, it’s sooooo slow.”

Rocket Boy’s New Supercomputer!!

“Listen up, wrangler, you’re gonna see your day if I hear one more !###** complaint!!!”

Back when I was a kid, we had jump ropes, balls, rocks and rickety bicycles to keep us entertained, oh yea, and black and white television!

But wait, Rocket Boy doesn’t stop with the computer, oh no, he requests more!

“Mom, I really need a cell phone, there are only two of us in fourth grade who don’t have one, and I want an Android, so I can play games and text!”

“Kid, wherever you go, I know where you are. You’re 10 years old, and the thought of you having a $200.00 cell phone flying off your bike, sends chills up my spine.”

“This Mommy didn’t even OWN a cell phone til she was way over the hill, and I only used it in emergencies, OUCH I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”
“So suck it up kid and use a couple of tin cans and a string for your high tech communication!”

“Or, when you want something and you’re at a friend’s house, just holler real loud, I’ll hear ya!”

On the other hand, Princess lives in “app-land” with MY iPod Touch!
“Mom, can I get this app? “Yo Mom, here’s a really cool app for .99 cents and then I’ll need 100 more apps?”
“But Mom they’re only 99 cents each!”
“Girlfriend, Apple loves kids like you! And BTW, do the math, you owe me!”

Dear Daughter, (Princess), is very sly about her demands requests.
“Mom, can we go to the mall, I don’t have ANY shirts to wear?”
But if you’re thinking that’s a simple request, it is in theory. This kid knows how to empty Mom’s wallet in a mere three hours. All those little, tiny requests add up. You know what I mean if you have taken a 10  year old girl to the mall.

I realize these are small requests compared to what I will experience when I have two kids driving at the exact same time. Or two of them going to a school dance. And in the not too distant future, two of them requesting to go to out of state colleges. I know, enjoy the simplicity now and hope the future brings a winning lottery ticket.

Dear Daughter’s Brain on Apps!

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