The Wonderful World of Disney is coming out with a new movie on March 11th called, “Mars Needs Moms.”
“A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after Martians come to Earth to take her away.” 
Yes, our time has finally come for our little aliens to gain some appreciation for Moms and all we do.  Haven’t we all wished for a time when space aliens would drop by and pick us up? This is a joyous time for Mommies In Orbit, since outer space is such  familiar territory to me.

Attachment takes on a whole new meaning when becoming a parent. “Attach, to join one thing to another.That’s no joke, when I had my twins I thought this is the end of my world as I know it, and what the hell was this new world I had been thrown into? For a while the two worlds just wouldn’t mesh no matter how hard I tried.  

As time went on, the two worlds collided with a bang… and suddenly it all made sense. I was no longer just a Doggie Mom but a Mom to two screaming infants! Like I mentioned, piss off the fertility gods and this is what you get!

This movie seems to be right up my alley, since I dig outer space and I love it when all Moms get a much deserved break! My little aliens really turn my skin green some-days, when they
give me a preview of what’s to come in the teen orbit. I’m bettin’ that because Dear Daughter is such a hellion now in her tween years, she will have gotten some of the insanity out of her system before she morphs into a teen werewolf.  Yea, right!  
So what does that tell everyone if I’m so excited to see “Mars Needs Moms?”  Well, maybe I’m looking forward to a far-out movie and some high caloric popcorn, uhm, this Mom is bored out of her mind, or I need to up my Prozac dose. For whatever reason, it sounds entertaining, and if me and my little aliens can get a good laugh, then I’ll call it a good day.

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