I did something today that I would consider wild and crazy for my age, uhm, OK, I’m over-the-hill & speeding rapidly down the other side….. that’s all I’m gonna say about numbers. I took my kids to Six Flags. Yes the weather was perfect, it wasn’t too crowded, and we even…
Who would have ever thought that going into the second week of Summer Break, the time of year Mommies In Orbit dreads more than the plague, that two 13 year olds would be, for the most part, quiet! Yes, you read it right! Sure there is still bickering…
Mom-isms have been around since, well, since Moms needed to say them and kids needed to hear them. Here are a few momisms that my Mom passed down to me and many more I’ve heard even before I had kids, or BK {before kids}. Don’t run with scissors!…
If someone calls me to the dinner table, I’m there! I mean after all that could only mean one thing, I was not in the kitchen, therefore I wasn’t slaving over a hot stove for an hour. But kids, they don’t seem to care if their food is…
OK, it’s official, it’s for real, school-is-out for the summer. Hold onto your hats, your patience, your bottle of vodka, whatever it takes, cause having the kids home all-day-long is gonna be maddening.
If you have teenagers, then you know about screaming! It’s the new way to communicate in our house. There are two types of yelling and screaming, you know, used for different situations. There’s the “Get to the table, it’s time for dinner,” scream that never seems to be heard, what…