If someone calls me to the dinner table, I’m there! I mean after all that could only mean one thing, I was not in the kitchen, therefore I wasn’t slaving over a hot stove for an hour.  But kids, they don’t seem to care if their food is all cold and hard as a rock.  After all, they’re happy with food that comes out of a box encased in a wrapper. They seem to lose their hearing just around dinnertime and bedtime. I guess now that they both have cell phones, I could call them or text them when dinner is ready.

Call me old fashioned, but I always resort to screaming up the stairs. And do I get an answer? 1/2 the time yes and 1/2 the time I’m completely tuned out. I couldn’t wait until they hit their teens, or in our case early teens, and they would disappear to their rooms, only to be seen when they were hungry or running for the bus.  Little did I know it would be nearly impossible to get them outta there. Should we install one of those food service elevators and whoosh their food right up to their rooms, like King Ludwig of Bavaria? Brilliant idea! He was not only rich, but way ahead of his time.

“Because King Ludwig enjoyed modern inventions, the castle walls hid technology that was the very latest for the time. Electric bells summoned servants (that would be me) who traveled at night among electric lights. They used an elevator to deliver meals and washed the dishes with hot and cold running water (me again). Additional advancements include central heating, automatic flush toilets and telephones.”



  1. WE live in a much smaller house so no stairs to yell up for dinner. In fact they can see the food on the table from the living room and sometimes they STILL don’t come when I call for dinner.

  2. My kids are young, so I employ the “make dad yell for them to come to dinner because he’s really loud” tactic. Works almost every time. I’m not so sure once they get older…

    Thanks for hooking up with us on the Humor Me Blog Hop!

  3. Nope, don’t have this problem, just the opposite actually. I have just enough time to set the food down before the wolves start nipping. And even better, they aren’t picky! You could always enact the “eat now or starve rule.” My parents did that and I learned to get my hiney to the table on time. 🙂

    Thank you for linking up with the Humor Me! Blog Hop!