


What’s up with this wild weather? The temperature is 43 degrees and the furnace is on duty again. I feel like I’ve just been grounded to the great indoors by my parents. “You are grounded to your room ( I mean the kitchen) cause you’re a Mom now…

This will be in Dear Daughter’s Easter Basket!How much could possibly go wrong while getting two kids, twins, ready for school? More than you could ever imagine. Dear Daughter informed ME that she didn’t have any clean clothes, and that I must not have done laundry for a…

WOW, kids sure have it all figured out when it comes to “homework avoidance.” Take Rocket Boy for example, he loathes reading. He avoids it like the plague. This kid can sit at his computer and write computer programs for hours, that endlessly turn into days. But when…

Tweens are defined as the group of kids between the ages of 9-12. Basically, they’re the “The Twilight Zone Children.” They are neither here nor there. In fact, they are clear out of their orbit! In astronomy terms the wranglers are called “orbit hoppers.” Orbit hoppers!At this stage…

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that they are currently living in the “Not Listening Zone?” What the hell is going on? It’s not just the little wranglers who don’t listen, it’s the doctor, who is frantically typing your exit papers on his laptop while you’re complaining…

This tiny finch rules the sunflowers.Yes, we made it to Spring! Hooray, achoo! Now can we keep up with it? Spring has sprung! Along with the burst of blooms comes an abundance of outdoor chores. I’ve compiled a tidy list in my mind to keep things moving along.The…

Being an older Mom is more than a pain in the neck somedays. I’ve spoken to Moms who had kids in their twenties and thirties, but I don’t know anyone personally who has produced actual offspring in their 40’s.Of course there are the Hollywood ladies I’ve read about…

We had six inches of snow last Sunday and once again, hauled out the weary snow shovels. One week later, today, we set a record, a high of somewhere in the 90’s with huge wind gusts. The wranglers are confused and I imagine the wildlife is too. The…

Cars go bump!Is all of this really necessary? We were recently involved in a minor fender bender on a weekend road trip. Two cars, went BUMP…. nobody got hurt and the sun kept on shining. I’m talking about an Honest Abe accident. Here it is 10 days later…

OK, so we made it to Day Nine of Spring Break 2011! I swear we were in short sleeves at the zoo just days ago, and today, SEVEN inches of snow! The wranglers are not only bored but they are preparing for a ka-ra-te tournament.Wranglers!The flowering pear trees…