I’ve already lost count of how many moods my daughter and I go through while shopping at the mall. We both start out all ready-to-go, wide awake, armed with ideas and credit card in hand, of course, and by the time we leave there, we are both frazzled, tired, and in need of a caffeine fix.

Teen daughter wants to go one way, Mom wants to go another. Then there’s the matter of lunch. I would much rather eat at home, Teen daughter wants to eat at the “food court.” Just the name gives me the chills! And every bite I take moves me at least 10 steps backwards, from e-v-e-r wearing skinny jeans!

Then there’s the matter of money! Teen daughter thinks it grows on trees, as do most kids, and I’m all for shopping sales or at least getting a discount. Their young eyes bounce from one store to another, and then onto a conveniently located kiosk right in the middle of the mall, boasting hundreds of brightly colored phone cases, they’ll get you every time.

By the time we’ve had lunch, shopped a couple of “teen” stores, and stumbled into the web of kiosk valley, I can feel the alarms going off in my head, it’s time to go!

With bags in hand, suddenly, and without warning, the mood shifts and she becomes silent. Was it something I said? Was she embarrassed at something I did? Did I speak too loudly? Did I wear something really tacky and she just noticed it? Could one of these questions be the reason she is walking waaay ahead of me?

I’ll never know, because the only answer she will give me is, “Nothing, Mom.”

Onward and outward we trudge to the parking lot. We shuffle into the hot car and head off to our next stop. But on the way, we stop and are refreshed by an extra large icy drink, (can we have fries with that, she asks), and we begin again. So Teen daughter, what’s our next stop?


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