Since school started a mere three days ago, there have been mood swings around here that I never knew existed. Yes, middle school starts way too early, for kids and parents, bus drivers, teachers and all the other great folks that keep the school humming along.

But this is ridiculous, I have been forced to don complete Mommy Armor while around my kids at our most two volatile times of day, 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.  You won’t see this fashion in any magazines, or featured on Yahoo, but I’m aiming to make it popular again, especially for all you parents who have “uh, difficult offspring,” you know what I mean! And yes, there is a built in pocket for iPhones and earbuds! Go ahead, try it, you’ll be glad  you did the next time you are forced to enter the sibling battle zone!


medieveal armor
If this is what it takes, so be it!




  1. hahaha – I need one of these, I guess, to put back in my closet for my impending teen years. Hey, think of it this way – the harder it is the closer you are until they leave for college.