Twenty-nine days until school starts, but hey who’s counting? I’m not, I have a counter on my blog that does the glorious countdown for me.  It’s not that I don’t like the idea of being with my kids 24/7, it’s just that I DO value my sanity! These wranglers have been lounging around since the 27th of May!
That’s a loooooooong time. Don’t those lengthy summer vacations date back to the farming days when kids used to help haul in the crops and bale hay? OK, things have changed. The only work that my kids are doing are passing the chips back and forth and flipping channels.

  • The kids have been out of school for so long now, THEY are beginning to have senior moments. Now they can’t finish a sentence without grasping for words.
  • They fight with one another even when they are asleep. Really I’m starting to believe anything is possible with twins!

  • I’m broke!  Yes, after an over-priced, hotter than hell vacation to Florida, Six Flags, pool entry fees, more snacks than a vending machine can hold, and enough pool toys to float your boat, Mommies In Orbit has had it!

  • Any thoughts I used to have to myself have disappeared into thin air! Not only do they still talk to me through closed doors, they fight over who will have the first and last word.

  • I don’t think I can muster one more, “Knock It Off”! -or- “Pleeeeease find something to do!” -or- “Alright you, Rocket Boy on the first floor of the house, and you, Channel Chick, up to the second floor!

So you see what I mean? There are only so many martinis I can drink in one day, so many times I can haul their butts to and from activites, and so many times I can listen to, “Mooooom, I’m bored!”

This is now the photo on my driver’s license!
My darlings! 

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