Anyone else asking, where did the school year go? It flew by quickly! As my teens exit their Freshman year of high school, and plunge into Sophomore year in the Fall, I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that the score is one down, three to go! They are ready for Summer break, and so am I. We are all looking forward to leisurely dinners, pool time, and the absence of alarm clocks and homework!!

When Mommies In Orbit started out, the twins were 10 years old! We have all passed through many phases in our lives since then. They are young adults now, and I am more middle-aged than I care to admit!
Gone are the days of scooters and skateboards, as we plunge into permit driving and parallel parking! Sleepovers are far and few between as I now visualize the teens beginning to “date,” and hang out with friends, minus the constant hovering of a parent.
It’s a bittersweet time of my life, watching them grow and mature, and needing Mom less and less. Of course I’m still on kitchen duty for two hungry teenagers, and I constantly chauffeur them around when they need to get someplace, or white-knuckle it as they drive too close to the curb on our permit driving expeditions.
We all wanted to grow up quickly when we were teens and these kids are no different, just a faster world to keep up with. This quote describes it to a “T,” just ask my Mom!!! If you’re starting your Summer soon, have a good one, and be safe!
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