This year, I will embrace Spring cleaning! What? After all of us have endured such a long, yucky Winter, anything that points in the direction of Spring is fine with me. Just to have the windows open and actually hear the birds instead of watching them through the window is a treat. Even being home with my kids {whoops, Teens} over Spring break has been pleasant! As you can see from the picture, I’m gonna have a lot to do this year!

Start here
This is how we roll!
Photo credit to


Finish here

 Let’s see where do I begin? Maybe some fresh paint? Bull-doze the front yard and landscape. Scare the ghosts away! Whatever it takes to enjoy the long-awaited Spring is what I’m gonna do! Any helpers out there?


  1. I know how you feel, we have a compost bin to finish assembling, we finished constructing the base and walls, and were digging the holes for the posts (we want it elevated at wheelbarrow height so it would be easy to move finished compost to desired location) when our first freeze hit in MID-OCTOBER… haven’t been able to get back to it since. We also need to finish re-roofing the carport… there are more holes in that roof than stars in the sky… I’m serious! We’ve acquired more plants last fall and over the winter so we are now in need of a second greenhouse/hothouse. The list goes on and on… lol