A hashtag is a keyword phrase used in Twitter conversations. The primary purpose of a hashtag is to bring conversations on the same topic into a single thread.


This gives me an idea about how to communicate with my two, almost, teen twins since nothing else under the sun has worked. Why not use hashtags? Teens talk in phrases, grunts, and sometimes riddles. As the definition indicates, we can perhaps bring our conversations, that would be “the parents” and “the offspring” into the same topic arena and right into a single thread. Yes, we may actually be able to make a connection using a language that they understand.

If I could just communicate using my Twitter account and numerous hashtags, for a couple of years while their teen brains are still under construction, this may very well save my sanity!

  • If I want them to get up and get ready for school I would use the hashtag, #getup. This is definitely a keyword in our world, or at least until school is out!
  • Wanna get the kids to the dinner table on time? Use the hashtag, #dinnerNOW, that should get their attention.
  • How about one for the dreaded homework hour?  I’ll use the hashtag #doyourhomework-or-else!
  • Here’s one that I hope will work since bedtime is such a pain in the a**! #gotobednow…….repeat….#gotobednow!

And the list of hashtags could go on and on……………… if you would like to add any of your own, please feel free to do so!