Listen up Winter, I am so over you! I realize that this is not logical thinking in mid-January, but, hey, it’s the way I’m programmed. Right about this time of year, when the temperatures are plunging into the teens at night, I find myself getting restless for Spring. And I’m not the only one thinking about warmer weather, so is Target, they are showcasing tiny swim suits on tiny hangers right out there for the world to see!
Take a walk down the main aisle of Lowe’s or Home Depot and you’ll find packages of vegetable and flower seeds lined up brilliantly, alongside lawn mowers and patio furniture. OK, that I can deal with.
I don’t know about your kids and what they do with their excess energy, but mine are racing around the house like bulls! They certainly don’t want to go outside, it’s 14 degrees. We don’t have any snow here in the midwest, only some leftover ice. The sleds are parked in the garage, the boots are heaped in a pile and the kids stay indoors, long enough for them to get on Mommy’s last nerve. But hey, we only have the rest of January, February, March and then here comes April! Anyone else out there dreaming of Spring-time?

Photo by Mommies In Orbit.
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