Has anyone heard of The Thundershirt for dogs? I wonder if they make those in kid sizes too. Actually I could use one of those myself. They are supposed to control anxiety in doggies during  thunderstorms. Smart Border Collie bypasses this and goes straight for the Valium from the vet, works like a charm. In fact, I’m a bit jealous, she has her very own prescription. The Black Dog takes advantage of the situation and steals all of her toys while she’s high as a kite!

For about thirty-five bucks each, I’m tempted to get a couple and see if we can curb the smart- ass attitude my tweens have adopted. I’m just sayin’, it’s adjustable, comfortable and it just might work. I’ve read that it has an 80% success rate, that’s better than I can get with punishment alone. If it works on dogs who bark excessively, then surely it can curb the phrases, “Geez, Mom, you’re so mean!” or how about, “That’s the first time you told me Mom!”

It comes in rugby pink and grey, sure to please each wrangler. This is used as part of a behavior modification program, something we really need to enforce around here. These two aliens I call “my kids” are firmly planted in the not listening zone, and have back- talked more since school started than I did my entire teen years!!  They say it works on all dog breeds, surely it would work on my two-legged creatures kids!

This would make Mommies In Orbit very happy if she could just have a thought….. and then finish it! She might even find her sense of humor again, and keep it this time, for good. Hmmm, if I order then now, and get the extra speedy shipping, they could be here by the weekend.  OK, let’s do it!

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