What our backyard looks like in July.

OK, so this is what it felt like to walk outside yesterday and today, a blazing bonfire of 100 degrees and add in the dew point and humidity and we’re pushing 110-115 degrees!

Our local forecast for July is beginning to sound like the temperature on Venus. This hot ball of fire is the second closest planet to the sun.

What’s going on here? Are we off our axis of rotation? Are we wingin’ way closer to the sun than we have before? Did it get this hot when we were kids?

Mommies in Orbit is very lucky to have a hot tub swimming pool in her backyard. Even with a water temperature of about 90 degrees, it’s still the best choice to cool off. Of course, Dear Husband and Rocket Boy picked a mighty fine week to trek to Northern Michigan, lake country, where the daytime temperature is about 84 degrees!! No sweatin’ going on there!  But I have heard they harbor mosquitos the size of small birds.  It’s gonna knock their socks off when they return to the blazing Midwest tomorrow.

Until then, for the 23 or so states effected by this heat wave, please check on anyone that might need some extra assistance and use common sense when it comes to our precious kids and pets, bring them in!!! This too shall pass!

No explanation needed.
Credit to “Spaceflight Now.” Planet Venus.

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