There are many activities we like to participate in on the Fourth of July. There are also about 5 things that we don’t want to hear from our kids while celebrating on that day.

  1. “Mommy, how many fingers on my right hand am I supposed to have?
  2. “Mom, I’m not trying to be a snitch or anything, but I heard Dad bragging to the   neighbors that he spent a LOT of money on fireworks, and Mom is sure gonna be mad”
  3. “Hey Mom, what did you say? I can’t hear you, really, I can’t hear anything, anyone says.”
  4. “Who started the nice fire on the deck? Is that to keep the mosquitos away?”
  5. “Mommmmmm, where are the dogs and why is the back gate open?”

Mom, is our deck supposed to glow like that?

Wow, Dad, how much did those set you back?”

Have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July, from Mommies In Orbit.

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