“Leading scientists are claiming that they should be able to build a functional but artificial replica of a human brain within the next ten years or so.”

OK, I’m lining up for this one! By the time my twins get to high school, I know I’m gonna have to recycle my worn out Mommy Brain. I thought it was nerve-wracking when kids took their first steps or rode a bike for the first time. Well hold on honey, it only gets more complicated! The tween orbit has been manageable so far, after all, they are NOT interested in having boyfriends or girlfriends, yet, EWW Mom!

If this scientific claim is true, then I’m planning on getting a replacement every four years. I can coordinate it with my kids milestones, like going to middle school, high school, driving cars, college, coming back home to live with Mom and Dad.  This could work!

My Brain on kids!

This middle aged Mommy brain is really becoming fragmented. If it weren’t for the beep-beep on the microwave and the billowing smoke in the kitchen, I would forget that I’m cookin’ dinner!  Really, it’s happening, things just slip my mind. I need two calendars for appointments, GPS, paper and digital grocery lists, bill reminders, and two alarm clocks, one digital and one canine, four paws and a fluffy tail nudging me awake. Yo, Mom, get up and get the wranglers ready for school!

This baby rocks!

It’s time to blow the dust out and add more RAM!  Can the Geek Squad restore my memory? Do I need a bigger hard drive to store all the information, reminders, and notable kid stuff? If I can get my hands on one of those “intel CORE i5” processors, I may stand a chance!  Until I can get my upgrade, the wranglers and Smart Border Collie can run circles around me.

So, in the meantime, I’ll depend on my numerous calendars and huge whiteboard, beeps and buzzes reminding me that I’m cooking and doing laundry, and the many reminders from my kids saying,

“Mom, but don’t you remember I TOLD you we are off school on Friday!”

“Geez Mom, did you forget to get my mini-muffins AGAIN?”

“Don’t you remember you’re taking me and ALL my friends out for pizza and you’re buying?”

“Yo, Mom, what happened to the lights and power? Yikes, Mom did you forget to pay the electric bill?”

“OK, you’ve had your turn making fun of this over the hill Mom  Just wait until Mommies In Orbit comes home with her new artificial super charged brain, the house is gonna rock!”

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