Mommies In Orbit has decided she should compile a list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2011.

I will try to not get irritated at my kids and therefore blast off like the Space Shuttle when at 10:00pm, I hear a faint voice that says, “Mom I forgot to study for my Math test tomorrow!”

I will do my very best to cook my kids healthful and nutritious meals, three squares a day, instead of our current menu of Pop-Tarts, Spongebob Squarepants Mac & Cheese and juice boxes.

Mom will try very hard to not embarrass her kids at any pertinent school functions by slurping spiked coffee at 9:00 a.m., talking too loudly or wearing my favorite t-shirt that reads, “Moms Kick-Ass.”

I will try to be more patient when the kids find that Mom is missing and hunt me down in the powder room and insist on having, “Conversations Through Closed Doors.”

I will be patient with Dear Daughter while she is getting ready for school and shouts down to me, “Mom, where ARE my skinny jeans, what, don’t you EVER do laundry around here anymore?” 

I will show more patience toward my Little Dude with the not-so-white-socks, when he complains that his Toshiba laptop is just not fast enough, it’s not loading Mom, it’s just sitting there!!!!! 

I will promise not to take sides when the twins fight, and especially try not to actually GIVE them verbal ammunition to hurl at one another while I sit back and enjoy the show. 

I promise to try to be a “Cool Mom” this Summer by having a lot more pool parties and serving the little darlings and their friends appetizers and homemade smoothies poolside, to keep them happy. 

Lastly, I promise that when I tuck them in at night I will listen to their stories and concerns and not be judgmental and hope someday they will grow up to be successful adults with kids of their own. And the cycle starts all over again. Grandma, where are you?


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