
Family Life


After you’ve weathered the many phases of going through a divorce; the emotional roller coaster, the lawyers, the paperwork, explaining everything to the kids (or perhaps they knew it was coming), prepping the family members, there is another group of folks that are standing back watching it unfold…

Bye Bye Daddy. January 8, 2011 It all began so innocently, two babies, one Mom, one Dad, peace on earth, or so we thought. We lived in the baby orbit with bottles, blankets, pacifiers and coos. The baby years flew by, mostly due to the…

Whoa, Santa, the kids are off school for ELEVEN days! What are we gonna do? I’ve been reading some of the suggestions of what to do over the Winter holidays. I’m wonderin’ if freakin’ Super-Mom made these suggestions, you know the ones with the six kids in tow…