One evening as we were watching the local news, they announced that at 9:36 p.m. the International Space Station would be flying overhead and visible without a telescope.  It was an awesome sight to see. As I watched it fly over our house and off into the distance, I couldn’t help but think, “Boy, wouldn’t that be a great place for my kids to go as they orbit through their pre-teen years?” Please take children and return after the teen  years.

Just imagine what they could learn.  It would teach them to get along with one another in such close quarters, eat what’s on their plate, or in their space food  packet, go to bed on time, and learn to deal with their sibling issues.  After all they won’t be able to get away from one another, right?  They could learn patience, and realize that Mom is not just around to fulfill their every wish and demand. They might even see an asteroid whiz by!

It could be an educational experience for both of them. Since they are starting middle school this Fall, I’m sure that science will be a big part of their studies.  They could take some awesome photos of the earth, perform some experiments, other than the one at home, ie: how much bickering does it take for Mom to SNAP?

The ISS is as large as a football field and resides in the low-earth orbit.  This is also where most satellites are along with the Hubble Space Telescope, so you see, there are plenty of activities for pre-teens, other than iPods, computers and driving their Mom insane.

It’s about three weeks until school starts, these are some of the most difficult weeks. The kids are bored, Mom is at her Prozac limit and the 100 degree temps are keeping us inside.  Since they will be residing in the low-earth orbit, we can still communicate with one another, but  we will be just far enough away from one another to give us all that much-needed break. Doesn’t this sound reasonable to you? I’ll let you know how it turns out!!

ISS Display at Virginia Air & Space Center.


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