Yep, it’s been one of those weekends. The button that says it all is back. You know how some days you can tolerate the little darlings and some, well, if you had a rocket booster, would you use it? Black holes in space and parenting have so much in common. Whatever comes near it gets sucked in, never to return. You cannot escape the Black Hole and you cannot escape your kids.

This weekend was similar to a supernova. You know the most powerful explosion in the universe marking the end of a parent’s life, a stars life! Mommies In Orbit felt like the supernova remnants, scattered gas and dust left behind.

Kids hang around the house and babble and bicker until your head feels like it’s going to explode! And then it does! And then you feel bad for the mess, right? Trying to communicate to tweens, (I know, it only gets worse) is just downright impossible. You never know what will hurt their feelings or what will set them off.  Sometimes we don’t know what to do with them and they don’t know what to do with themselves.

I know, it’s just a phase, sit back and wait until the next one arrives. In the meantime, our lives become like Uranus, It’s the planet that’s tipped over on it’s side, with the north and south poles pointing sideways. Oddly enough, parenting is very much like this planet.

So until we can safely escape from Black Holes, and Uranus straightens up its act, parenting will continue to be exhausting, confusing and similar to, “being pecked to death by a chicken.”

1 Comment

  1. OH my GOSH this is hilarious!! I stopped over from Rambling Warriors and I can't even read any more I'm laughing too hard. Got to get one of these buttons!! 🙂 Have a great Tuesday!