This is what I thought parenting would be like!
My kids!
After years of parenting, I have decided that I just can’t do this on my own. I’ve turned to the toy industry for help. I know, it sounds weak. After all I’m the one who lives by, “Keep Calm and Have a Cocktail.  Remember “Rock ’em sock ’em robots”? This would be an appropriate description for my kids’ behavior. Starts early and ends late, they just don’t see eye to eye. 
My favorite words!
Here’s a game called, “Too Bad!” It’s so  tempting to say, too bad, instead of oh, honey I’m so sorry the dogs ate your homework, this game is one of where you make you own luck from start to finish, this can be applied to homework, grades, oh sorry dear daughter, you stayed up too late. Too bad your rear is draggin’ to school today!
Our Family Logo!
Here’s a good one, “Family Feud,” a blast from the past.  We usually launch into this orbit after dinnertime. Homework, showers, brushing teeth, bedtime, it’s a classic fiery end of the day meltdown.
When all else fails, there’s always, hey kid, “Let’s Make A Deal.” I know it sounds like a cop out, but hey, you gotta do what works. Kids have a way of wearing down the parents to just a thin thread blowing in the breeze. And for the record, twins will gang up on parents to the bitter end. (only when they are not fighting, rock ’em… sock ’em).
How about the game, “Sync Up!”? Sounds kinda random to me. What are the chances you and your kids are gonna say the same thing at the same time? OK, kiddos let’s go to bed early tonight, yeah, oh and no video games, double yeah! You betcha Mom, we were just gonna say that. Or how about this one, hey kids, how ’bout we just blow off the homework tonight? Yeah, that’s what we were about to say!
Please kid, go to bed! Is cash OK?
What are the chances of this happening?
Oh yes, and let us not forget this game for the tween and teen years, “Smart Ass!”  Anyone got a load of this lately? No, I won’t go to my room and do my homework, I’m sick of school and you can’t make me!!!!!!  Whoa, sounds like a smart ass to me, let’s see if we can make a deal? Or maybe a game of Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em would help you reconsider your attitude. Too Bad you won’t get to go to the movies with your friends, just too bad sweetie. Sounds like a Family Feud brewing to me. And I thought that parenting was gonna be a BLAST!!!

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