Mommies in Orbit has changed quite a bit over the years. My twins are all grown up and out in the world living their lives. This Mama is an empty nester, except for my wonderful cat Levi. He keeps me company and gives me someone to look after.
I guess in some respects I am now a “crazy cat lady,” as we hear on the news. When I think back on raising twins through all of the stages, I don’t know how I had time to do anything else. I actually miss those days. It’s almost too quiet now. Cooking for one, being fully in charge of the remote and sleeping in.
Which is why I have started thinking a lot about reflections, midlife reflections. It’s a mixed bag being retired, single and an empty-nester. I am discovering that I really have to try to connect with people. (in-person)
A lot of connections are of course made online. From the many articles I have read, apparently, a lot of us are suffering from social isolation. I definitely feel that on some days. The key for me has been to make sure I get out and do something everyday. I try to stay connected with my twins, although at age 23, they don’t always want to hang out with Mom.
Blogging was popular when I created Mommies In Orbit about 12 years ago. Since then, social media has grown and changed a lot! I am hoping to connect with people, brush up on my writing skills, and just have fun!