Ewww, ouch, I think I hit a nerve! Last month I wrote an “innocent,” or so I thought, post about The Trivago Guy. Most of the comments I received were hilarious. But geez, I knew something was up when my inbox was on FIRE. The people who obviously like this dude really let me have it. Some of the responses were like……delete,delete. But you know what? I can take it, after all I have twin teenagers!
I get a lot of satisfaction out of blogging and have met so many awesome people. And I will continue to write about various topics across the board. You know what they say, everybody has an opinion.
The Trivago Guy was just so ripe for the picking! I couldn’t help myself, I mean, really, the hair, the falling down pants, the unbuttoned shirt, (OK for a college hunk) but come on already. See there I go again.
OK, he does have nice eyes
Oh my goodness. You gave me a good laugh tonight! Everytime I see that commercial I think “What was Trivago thinking? Why did they pick *that* guy?” So tonight I googled it and came across your first post, which then led me to this post. I think your first post title sums up my thoughts…. What’s up with the Trivago guy?? lol
Hey! This is so funny! Last night I sent Trivago an e-mail about this guy, saying he was gross and looked like an alcoholic in need of a haircut and a shave. I just googled this guy to see if I could find a photo of him to show my co-worker, and I found this! Hilharious! Glad I’m not the only one who is put off buy this guy. Trivago did say they would forward my e-mail to their marketing team so it can be taken into consideration for their next campaign. I sure don’t want to stay somewhere he stays!
So, funny! I’ve been saying the exact same thing since the first thing right down to the “long torso”. Might I add five o’clock shadow. Why did they choose him? I’m so distracted by him that I don’t even know what product he is advertising!
Like the previous commentators, I came upon your blog via google. I’m sure that in real life the Trivago guy is a wonderful person and he’s gotten a lot of people talking about Trivago……but their ad spots featuring him are disturbing. I’m glad I’m not the only one – I wonder why he rubs some of us the wrong way?