We’re winding down our summer break, school starts two weeks from today, ughh. It’s been a good summer, a few bumps here and there, but overall, we’re still in one piece. While having two seventh graders can be, well, emotionally exhausting, they have taught me a few things over the past months, as we have spent a LOT of time together.

  • Sleep is THE #1 priority in this house. In fact my daughter read about some study where NASA will pay you to stay in bed for some massive amount of time, and get paid, she’s all for that!
  • Breakfast and lunch are the same thing. Summer break throws the whole schedule off kilter. It’s perfectly OK to have breakfast at noon, lunch at four, and dinner, well whenever…….
  • As noted before, if you see your kids’ growing feet dangling off the side of the bed, blankets on the floor….. do not disturb! This sleep position is worthy of photographing!
  • “Mom, take it easy, you don’t need to clean, do laundry and cook EveryDAy!!!”  “Dear Daughter, yes I do, these are things that have to be done.”  “But Mom, really, just don’t do it!”  End of conversation.
  • If both kids stay in their rooms, all wired up, for hours on end, Mom, please do not worry, this is what teens DO! Just text me if you need to “talk” to me!
  • If you go to bed before midnight, well, it’s just not cool Mom, stay up, come on it’s fun!
  • Brushing your hair in the summer is…..optional.
  • Six Flags is the place to go, “come on Mom, let’s ride every roller-coaster in the park, pleeeeease!”  “There isn’t enough Advil in one bottle to get me to do that!”
  • If we don’t respond to you within ten minutes, it’s because we’ve had our ear buds surgically implanted. Again, if you need to convey some information, text me, yelling doesn’t work on us anymore, remember we ARE teens now!
  • And remember going outside to “play,” well, exercise is just over-rated. So don’t keep on bugging us about it, teens love to stay holed up in their rooms for days at a time, just ask anyone, or you can check it out on Instagram!
  • And last but not least, “We’ve had a great Summer Mom, thanks for putting up with our thousands of moods on a daily basis, we appreciate all you have done for us,” said no kid ever!


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