Well sit down, get comfortable and I’ll tell you a story. Over the past 13 years I have heard from people more than once, “Gee I wish I would have had twins!” And to that I say, “Yep, it’s quite an experience!”

It all begins when you gaze at the ultrasound, first in disbelief and then fear. After that sinks in, you proceed to get as big as a house. You are now responsible for bringing two babies into the world instead of one at a time.  You begin to wonder just how you are going to feed, change and basically hold two babies at once. Of course you’ll have help, everyone wants to hold these brand spanking new babies, for a while. Your two worlds collide when you bring them home for the first time.

Then reality sets in when the husband returns to work and Mom is left at home with two, count ’em, two infants.  As those babies become toddlers, your house soon becomes an indoor gated community. Keeping them safe and entertained is at the top of the list.

Times moves on and those agreeable toddlers turn into preschoolers discovering another world. Mom can’t wait to have those few hours to herself. Preschool turns into kindergarten which turns into elementary school, and they now have minds of their own, friends, homework and after school activities.

Sometimes you wish you had an older kid to take care of the twins while you run out and have some “me” time. You begin to realize just how difficult it is having two kids the same age. But you take it all in stride and feel lucky to have them.

Before you know it, they enter the doors to middle school, never to be the same kids again. It’s a challenging time for both of them. They have suddenly morphed into hormonal, smart mouth, door-slamming, preteens and there’s nothing you can do about it!

You talk, they don’t listen. You preach, they roll their eyes. You throw your hands up in the air and call it a day. Welcome to the world of puberty.

These two kids who were born only minutes apart and have been best friends for years, now bicker like an old married couple. One kid gives the other one “advice” and the fighting begins. So here you are dealing with two humans exactly the same age, but there’s one huge difference, you got one boy and one girl and they are worlds apart.  Put on your Mommy Armor and let the games begin. They are both, at the same time, about to become……….. teenagers!








  1. LOL, Had to laugh as this is so true! Mine twins are going to be 25 this June and they still fight and argue to this day.
    Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. hahaha – that bear photo cracks me up every time. As a fellow multiple mom, I can second the part about the fighting. I had two kids 3 years apart the first time around and while they did argue a bit it is nothing like have multiple kids the same age. It’s a constant argument and never takes a breath. lol