I’ve outgrown quite a few things in life, but I didn’t think I could outgrow a BLOG! Mommies In Orbit was launched in November 201o, and since then, I’ve learned so much about blogging and met so many awesome people from all around the world. But I think it’s time for a change. While I’m still raising kids, one orbit at a time, they are teenagers now and don’t have too much to say to me except for, “Mom, could you drive us to the Mall, oh and could I have some money?”

I’ve also fallen into some new interests. No it wouldn’t be cooking, that’s still a chore to me! I’ve always loved antiquing and kind of put it on the back burner while the twins were little ones. Well the flame has been re-kindled since I got hooked on watching, “American Pickers” on the History Channel. If you’ve been traveling the United States along with Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz you may have gotten bitten by the “picking bug” too! They are digging up all kinds of cool stuff in barns and sheds and fields all across America! Tune in if you haven’t seen it!  http://www.history.com/shows/american-pickers

Mike and Frank







Photography! I never go anywhere without my camera, you just don’t know what kind of stuff you’re gonna find! Here’s a backyard Mockingbird filling his belly for the Winter!

And yes, I’ll fallen into the same trap as millions of others, Pinterest! I like doing DIY projects, especially restoring furniture!

So, there you have it, Mommies In Orbit is soaking up some new hobbies. I’m still in awe of how much energy and patience it takes to be a parent. And I still believe that kids and their behavior are very similar to space happenings! That won’t ever change! Look for a new and improved website coming soon!

In the meantime, I’m so looking forward to Springtime, gardening, photo ops, and following “American Pickers” every chance I get!


Wonder what the Mockingbird has to say about Spring?



  1. Sounds fantastic! I will enjoy reading about your finds and projects. I think we all grow out of our blog at one time or another and our focus changes. Embrace it!

    • Thanks Debbie. I guess this is what you call a “mid life crisis,” lol. It may take some time, but it’s time for a change!