Ever wonder why raising twins is similar to the Big Bang? “The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that describes the early development of the Universe.”

My theory of The Big Bang is one of raising boy and girl preteen twins under the same roof. Universe, you ain’t got nothing on this noise here on earth. There’s only a certain amount of time that twin brothers and sisters should be allowed to spend together. Once they hit that limit, the whole thing gets noisy and explodes.  Part of the reason that tempers are flaring is the fact that we are still in the middle of Winter. And while spending time with our loved ones can be nice, I find it claustrophobic and overwhelming!  Once Spring gets here, things become a bit quieter as the kids return to the great outdoors, and Mom can use the great lock on the door to keep them out!!!!

There’s only so many boring board games two kids can play together before one of them decides that not following the rules would be loads of fun. The other one thinks that’s just awful, you know the type, the one who always colored inside of the lines, and will eventually have to park their car perfectly inside the two white lines or succumb to a spasm right there in the public parking lot!! Well those two are bound to bump heads before the game is half over with.

So you got opposites, and they don’t attract, in fact they shoot arrows instead, sometimes mighty close to one another.  I’ve heard that by the time boy/girl twins enter high school, the tides have changed, they can now be viewed as buddies. It’s handy for what we used to call the “social scene,” which now I think is called “social media on tap!” Whatever works is fine with me as long as the explosions drop to a minimum, the bickering takes a hike, and for that matter, so do the kids, take a hike, that is.

In the meantime, I look forward to springtime and having my escape to the great outdoors, so far away that the Big Bang is barely heard!





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