If you have kids, and you’re raising them, one orbit at a time, I bet your universe is expanding at the speed of light!
“Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles a second or 700 million miles an hour.”
Just since my twins celebrated their 12th birthday, I couldn’t help but be reminded that they will both be teenagers next year at the same time! Now can I catch a ride on that speed of light? Talk about an expanding universe!
They both zipped through elementary school, and now three years in middle school and then high school, doesn’t seem possible. Over Thanksgiving we watched some videos of the kids when they were four or five years old. And really, it doesn’t seem that long ago.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! How can these two preschoolers suddenly sprout into preteens with math homework comparable to what their Mom studied in high school! Time flies!
So, hold on tight, hug your kids often and tell them that you love them and oh yea, enjoy the ride.

I bet.
When life is moving at the speed of light we seem -relatively speaking – to others that we’re moving something awful fast. But are we, in reality. This guy – I forgot his name – had the answer to that question…Again relatively speaking of course… 😉
Hi Jan, I’m trying to keep up with my kids, a body in constant motion! We’ll be glad for Winter break here soon!