That’s what’s on my mind, middle school madness.  Here we are two weeks into the whole thing and we are all frazzled.  The bus rolls down our street to pick the kids up at 6:58 a.m.! And by 7:30, they are in class! I’m not sure who is learning what!

It’s like my kids have changed overnight since they walked through those front doors to middle school. I’ve never seen either one of them this eager for bedtime. And moodiness, there are no words to describe this. They are both stuck in an elliptical orbit, and I don’t know when they are gonna return.

An elliptical orbit, also called an eccentric orbit, is in the shape of an ellipse. Within this type of orbit the satellite’s or child’s velocity changes from day to day. Combine that movement with a new school, old friends, new friends, and tons of homework, and the whole place is about to explode! Now that would be called a cosmic explosion!

Seriously, does it really need to be this difficult? I’m thinking it would have been more tolerable to EASE out of the two and 1/2 month summer break by having half days when returning to school. Course I know I’m dreaming, but it does sound logical to me. So here we are, all three of us stumbling around in the morning, even before the sun has a chance to peek over the horizon. I suppose we’ll all look back on this someday and laugh. Because as we look in to the future to high school, and two kids driving at once, I will be wishing they were back in elementary school, when all was well.

So here we go for Friday morning:

Coffee Pot ready?  Check!

Backpacks by the door?  Check!

Lunches packed?  Check!

Mommies In Orbit in a daze?  Check!

Time to go kids, here comes the bus, have a great day!


And this is our path!

 Really it’s not all that complicated!


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