Hmmm, eleven plus two is thirteen, right??

Parents, if your kids have been on Summer break for a while now, have you noticed that the “witching hour” usually occurring  between the daunting hours of 4-7pm, has suddenly erupted into an all day party, right? We start our meltdowns early around here at Mommies In Orbit, about maybe 10:00 a.m. or so. Here’s my scientific explanation:

“The most powerful solar flare of the summer so far erupted from the sun Friday  (July 6), the latest in a string of powerful storms this week from our nearest  star, space weather experts say.
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I knew something was out of whack. Channel Chick is full steam ahead with her preteen tantrums, and Rocket Boy is just totally frazzled by all of her commotion. And there are still four weeks of summer break, enough time for more solar flares to erupt right here at home!  There’s no way around it, these kids are hormonally charged just like our sun.

So here’s the way it’s going down:

“The sun is currently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar  weather cycle. The current cycle is called Solar Cycle 24 and is expected to  peak in 2013.”  If I can still do math in my head, my kids are now eleven and all hell is gonna break loose in 2013 as the enter the teen orbit.

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