By now I imagine everyone out there has heard about space junk. You know the stuff whirling around in outer space? Like leftover hunks of satellites, some call it orbital debris, I call it parental brain clutter. As of now, my kids have been off school for nearly two freakin’ months with another almost four weeks to go! If that’s not enough “family togetherness,” then I don’t know what is!
You know what I mean, when you haven’t had a coherent thought in, uh, months, or have-not driven in your own car alone, or gone to Target without two noisy chaperones? And by this time, kids are forgetting their basic math and reading skills, not to worry, by the time August 14th rolls around, they won’t know their first and last name! And this lengthy Summer break is good for who? Oh maybe it’s beneficial for the local frozen yogurt place, or Six Flags, or even McDonald’s, they see their profits skyrocket in the Summer.
When school does start, it will be with a BANG! Middle school is on our horizon, BIG changes on the way, for all of us. As the patio section at Target slowly disappears, and is once again filled with school supplies, I see bored kids trolling the aisles with that look of dread on their faces and many Moms with big smiles!
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