Hold on, you’re not going anywhere!

Do you ever feel that since you’ve become a Mom, it’s getting more difficult to wander away all by yourself? You know, “me time,” remember that? Are your days filled with dreadful  chores like laundry, grocery shopping, and expensive dental appointments. Are you also the drill sargent Mom who repeats over and over the same commands to your kids everyday. Why don’t they hear us, and why don’t they listen? This is a sure-fire way to press our buttons.

But I’ve got my own set of buttons hidden in a secret panel in my kitchen. You can take a look at them below.  For the most part I have my kids on Auto Watch. Keeping tabs on them is a huge job. Not they ever go anywhere without me, though many days I wish they would get the heck outta here!. It’s Facebook and the Internet I have to be concerned about. They don’t have to leave the comfort of their computer desk to get into trouble, it’s all right there for them at blazing broadband speed.

I use the Potential Collision Points button a LOT! My kids get into a state of bickering every day over something and nothing at the same time. In order to keep it under control, I can press the PCP button, just in case things escalate. This secret panel allows me to monitor the situation from the safety of my kitchen, near the coffee maker. And then if all hell does happen to break loose, I can press the button and alert the National Guard that they will be needed!!

So you see there is nowhere to run and hide now that we have our little darlings. They are stuck with us in the very same orbit, until we kick their butts out, way out towards Jupiter or Mars! So Mom, make yourself comfy in the kitchen, by the fridge or by the mini-bar, keep alert all the time, and use those buttons if you must. We all understand!

Don’t push my buttons, kids!




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