That could only mean one of two things, either Rocket Boy and Channel Chick have been fighting like the karate bears, or…….the sun let loose with some powerful solar storms this week. Both are true!

But which one was more powerful? Depends upon where you were standing. If you were anywhere near the hell that was unleashed in my house, you felt the intense heat.

I think I’ll start using the same categories that the astronomers use to rank solar flares. “A” would be the least intense and “X” would be the kick-butt storms. I like that, it think it will work.

We had a couple of “X” storms this week, right off the school bus. It takes only a mere 4-5 minutes before the you know what hits the fan.

Here’s the recipe:

  • Take two twin fifth graders and put them in the same classroom all day long, together.
  •  Add to that one hormonally charged, bumpy bus ride.
  • Throw in a pinch of attitude, and there you have it, a coronal mass ejection, the sun has nothing on these two!

“The sun is currently going through an active phase of its 11-year weather cycle. The current cycle is known as Solar Cycle 24 and is expected to reach its peak level of activity in 2013, NASA officials have said.”

Dear NASA Officials,

We are going through exactly the same cycle, bombardment, eruption, whatever you want to call it! We are rapidly approaching the teen years, so we’ll do this together. It isn’t easy but Mommies In Orbit will make it through somehow, wish me luck!

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