“If you step outside before dawn during the next week or so, you might try to catch a view of some “cosmic litter” that has been left behind in space by Halley’s Comet: the Orionid meteor shower.” 


I hereby claim that parenting causes cosmic litter in the brain! And I have scientific proof ! BK, before kids, I could think clearly, remembered things easily, and I actually had somewhat of a life. After I popped out twins, Baby A and Baby B, they proceeded to take over my brain, thereby creating cosmic litter. So you see, parenting is not that much different than what is happening in outer space.

As your kids develop, their own little nugget in their head begins to grow into a brain, and they take over the Mothership, whether you like it or not!  They feel the need to be front and center, and only on their terms. So what does that mean? Well for the wranglers, it means victory, we have won. For the parents it indicates total chaos.

You will never, ever be able to make a private phone call without hearing, “Mom, guess what happened at school today?”

If there any doors in your home, they will always come and talk to you through them, it doesn’t matter which room you are in.

If you go to bed early and fall asleep, they will undoubtedly burst into  your private quarters and ask if you are sleeping, to which you will answer, “Well, I was!”

Sibling rivalry will most always be the conversation at the dinner table.

Your kids will always come first, in everything you do, they are not that much different than a pack of wolves, there is always the Alpha Kid!

As you try like hell to understand the human development process of these little creatures you have helped to create, your brain will accumulate more and more cosmic litter.

These examples are just a few, I’m sure you could add a lot more. But at least now you have an idea about what’s going on in your brain as you continue to grasp for phone numbers, names of friends, maybe even your own, and what street you live on. You’re OK, I’m OK, it’s cosmic litter.

Photo courtesy of:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44908882/ns/technology_and_science-space/

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