Now that Mommies In Orbit is mending from “dental hell” and I mean, it really exists, I’m considering doing some ass-kickin’ of my own. I’m ready to break out my very first pair of cowboy boots! I know right, what the hell is the big deal about it? Well after nearly one week of one wicked tooth taking me down, and I have twins, so I know about being taken down, plus one very expensive root canal, yikes, I’m ready to get the the hell out of the house. I mean when Mom goes down, ain’t nobody laughing.

What would Jesse James have done about one rotten old tooth that interrpted his daily robberies? Probably found himself and old pair of rusty pliers, yanked that thing out, and headed stratight for the nearest saloon to kick back a few whiskeys. Tooth pain is right up there, at least for me, with childbirth and wretched back pain. I’ve had enough!

I think I missed nearly a week of Fall, time to play catchup and get ready for the goblins and the laughing hyenas, that would be Channel Chick and Rocket Boy and head out for Halloween!  Let’s get on with life.

Really this is how I have looked and felt all week after three trips to the dentist!

I know this is a random post, but hey, it’s been one hell of a week!

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