For anyone who’s thinking about becoming a first time Mom later in life, I’ve got a great website for you to visit and some personal thoughts of my own. First the website: http://www.motheringinthemiddle.comis valuable for information and encouragement, and great reading! 

“Wow, it’s a long way to the top of this stadium!”

It’s a different ballgame having kids later in life. The physical and emotional challenges are much more pronounced.  I never had the opportunity to have kids in my 20’s or 30’s but I hear from younger Moms, that it wasn’t a cake walk at that stage of life either.

We’re lucky now to have so many choices when starting our parenting journey. The Mothering In the Middle website discusses a lot of them, and does so beautifully! It doesn’t matter how your children came to you, it’s all about love. I know, I am a child of the 70’s and those phrases just don’t disappear! 

I’m trying to think of an analogy of what midlife parenting is similar to. How about an amusement park with all the rides that go in different directions? That’s an accurate description of what this Mom has experienced so far. My twins are almost eleven years old, and the rollercoaster ride began when they were born.  That up and down and all around momentum will always be there, but now it’s more like a merry-go-round! Why? Because they have their own opinions, and we don’t always agree!

We tend to  go round and round about all kinds of subjects. The most popular ones are freedom, or the lack of it, friends, school, and allowance! Much like the same disagreements I had with my own parents. My kids don’t see me as an older parent, I’m Mom to them! I’m more comfortable with where I’m at today, and I try to extend that feeling to my kids.  I try to speak their language and keep up with the pace, but hey, let’s face it, an iced tea and a good magazine are more my speed these days.

So if you’re about to take the plunge into midlife motherhood, do it!  It can be one of the most rewarding life experiences you will ever have!

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