What is it about our kids who don’t HEAR us frustrated parents when we announce it’s time for dinner, or bedtime, or even going somewhere. My kids have a famous saying that they hurl at me all the time,” But Mom, that’s the FIRST time you told us to!!!!”

“Yes, dear, IT IS the first and the last time I’m gonna tell you!”

But their ears sure do perk up when the phone rings, or a friend knocks at the door or they hear Mom attempt to make a phone call. Suddenly they develop acute canine hearing, where did that come from?

It’s mind-boggling to think that we can communicate with spacecraft whirling around waaaaay out there by using radio waves. They can travel very quickly through space, in fact they move at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second.

But just let a Mom, call out to her kids and what do we hear back, nothing!!  I think they have lazed around for so long that their ability to pay attention to anything other than Mr. Squarepants or computer games is beyond this world.

“So Wranglers, Can You Hear Me Now??”

So I’m betting on transmitting my messages through radio waves to get their attention. And if they travel at the speed of light, then I should be able to get my point across very quickly, don’t-cha-think? So tune in kids, Mommies In Orbit has something to say!

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