OK, the wranglers have only been out of school for a couple of weeks. We’ve blown through Florida and the vacation fund, now what?  I’ve starting posting signs around the house to help me keep my sanity.

My sanity signs.

Camp starts next week, but they still come home after it’s over. The kid bickering has begun and Mommies In Orbit can’t seem to get away from it fast enough. I’ve already contacted the Blue Angels to come and rescue me. I figure at 1200 MPH, I can blow this place quickly and leave them in the smoke and dust.

Bye Bye Kids!

Is it my job to be my kids’ social director all Summer? Is it too late to dump them off drop the kids off at Summer school? Could I brainwash a relative into taking them for a couple of weeks?

Mommie’s Fortress.

Would these castle walls keep them out? How about a moat filled with alligators? Any ideas out there?  The tween-hormonal-smart-mouthin’ has begun, and it ain’t music to my ears.

Mommies In Orbit during Summer Break.

It’s hot, dirty, sweaty work entertaining kids all Summer. But I signed up for it, and it’s my freakin’ duty to step in, even if it means that my hair will be solid grey by Fall, and I will have aged 10-15 years in just a matter of months. I asked and the fertility gods listened, and then there were two, wranglers, that is.

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