Breakfast of Champions!
Who’s Counting?

Mommies In Orbit began her vacation yesterday, at home. Yes, Dear Husband took the twin munchkins up North to visit all of our great relatives who make  up our family, and he left me temporarily child-free. I know it’s a difficult thing to do at Christmas time, but someone has to do it.

How many days do I have of pure bliss silence and sanity? Let’s see! Well it looks like three whole days. What will I do while in the child-free orbit? 

Well breakfast was a breeze to prepare this morning, just pop and pour, no messy dishes in sight. Then there’s the shopping, dining, staying up late, movies, oh yes, and more shopping. I know I won’t be having any “Conversations Through Closed Doors,” as Mom will be taking silent  potty breaks. 

Dear Daughter won’t be stomping up the stairs and performing her famous door slamming technique, at least I won’t be able to hear it from up North. Little Dude won’t be sliding around in his not-so-white-socks, knocking over anything that stands in his path.

What will happen in the coming days?  Well, laundry may get done, but if you give a Mom a laptop, it very well may not. Dishwasher will have a much-needed break, minivan will be free of AirHead wrappers and smashed Cheetos.  Movies from Blockbuster may be animation free, bedrooms will stay tidy, dinner will be titled a one-box wonder, alarms won’t be buzzing, toothpaste will stay on the toothbrush and not on the floor.

Santa brought me silence!

 Kitchen countertops will be visible. Magazines will be read, music will be played loudly, and Mom will have a much needed break.

Dear Daughter made an interesting comment yesterday before she left, I asked her if she would be checking my blog and she said, “But Mom, you won’t have any funny material while we are gone!”  And she’s quite right about that, though the peacefulness is bliss, I do miss my twins, but I also hope they are enjoying the holidays surrounded by all who love them.

I’m up for anything!

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