If you give Mom a laptop, she will carry it around with her everywhere. If a Mom has a laptop she may start a blog. If she does create a blog, what will she write about? Raising her kids of course, perhaps one orbit at a  time.

Now that she has a laptop, she will probably have to go to Starbucks for a coffee. Coffee helps her mind work better so she can finish her blog. If she has a coffee, then she will most likely want a pastry too. Because she spent most of the day at Starbucks, she won’t have time to go to the grocery store, so there won’t be much for dinner. Dry cleaning won’t get picked up, laundry won’t get finished, and kids may have to find a way home from soccer practice.

When Mom does comes home, she will probably take her laptop to a quiet place in the house, kid-free, so she can finish her blog. She will need a snack for energy, so the kids will have to fix her one, and they may have to prepare dinner for Dad too. She won’t have time to read the kids a bedtime story, so Dad will have to pry himself off the sofa and get the kiddos ready for bed. Mom will stay up late writing about which orbit we are in this week, so it may be difficult for her to get up in the morning. Looks like the kids may have to get up on their own. Don’t miss the bus, kids. When the kids are gone, Mom will be starting her next blog. Starbucks anyone!

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