Every Mom needs a best friend. Raising kids is challenging to say the least. There are those days, when it becomes overwhelming to watch my kids experience all of the emotions and uncomfortable situations they need to muddle through in order to grow and develop into successful individuals. It becomes especially hair-raising when some of those strong and not so pleasant emotions are directed at me!

Maybe your best friend is someone from high school or college.  My best friends come with paws, a fluffy tail, and tons of love. They speak to me in a way that no human can touch. There are days when my kids don’t like me very much and I find it difficult to connect with either one of them.  Enter, Cody the loving black Lab, and Nikki the oh-so-smart-Border Collie!

This dynamic duo greets me in the morning with enthusiasm, and they comfort me at night when all is dark and quiet. Perhaps after all the parenting, the raising, and the commotion is over and done with, I will then be privileged to become a parent and a friend to my kids.

But until then, and even then, my dogs will be by my side, offering up their special breed of unconditional love. And you know what, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

cody with toy
nikki on deck

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