Whoa, Santa, the kids are off school for ELEVEN days! What are we gonna do? I’ve been reading some of the suggestions of what to do over the Winter holidays. I’m wonderin’ if freakin’ Super-Mom made these suggestions, you know the ones with the six kids in tow and the glazed look in her eyes?


Baking with children!
First, have your kids help you bake, yikes.  I keep them OUT of the kitchen as much as possible, first they would rather eat what has been baked, and secondly, neither one of them has taken up an interest in kitchen slavery, um baking. NO thanks, I’d rather whip it up and serve it up then have dear daughter and little dude fighting it out in my kitchen.
Beginning of Vacation.

Take my kids shopping WITH me! First of all, Super-Mom, I have a boy and a girl. Little Dude has already informed me that he doesn’t care what he wears to school. Even a trip to Target was complete torture to him. And as  for Dear Daughter, well, that’s a different story. She can run circles around me at the Mall. She’s firmly planted in the shopping orbit, with no plans to leave soon.

Here’s a classic game called, “Happy Families.” We will be playing this game the first couple of days of vacation before all hell breaks loose. Mom, I’m bored.  But I already played with ALL of my Christmas presents. There’s NOTHING to do!


I see Day 6 coming around the corner and already I feel like it’s been forever. I’m beginning to chant to myself, Keep Calm and Have a Cocktail over and over. Go play in the snow, oh wait, it’s the Midwest, we get frequent ice storms. OK, entertain the dogs, no, that’s boring. OK, watch TV, but there’s nothing on! OK, then clean your rooms, aww come on Mom, you know that ain’t gonna happen. Hey, let’s do some crafts, MOM, did you forget we’re ten, we don’t DO crafts with Mommy anymore. OK that’s it, Dad can entertain you when he gets home. 
                                                                Mom is burned out!  

I can do this, I can do this, after all Summer vacation is three months, guess I should start drinking checking into some Summer camps now. Happy Holidays!

Burned Out Mother-Bored!!!!
My next option!

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