Making the decision to reach out to midlife and accept what it has to offer, has been quite a learning experience.  Not that I have embraced all that has happened in the “middle years,” but I’ve found that it’s a lot simpler to accept what is coming your way, and let the rest slip away. Hold onto what is good and whole. I haven’t always had this cut and dried way of thinking. It’s taken me many years to develop this mid-age attitude.

This “time in the middle” has been challenging to say the least.  A midlife divorce, two teenagers to raise as a single parent, re-adjusting my path as a single woman. But as it turns out, I’m beginning to experience more joy, through acceptance. I’ve always been the one in the family to start the ripple in the pond, that hasn’t changed. Brave, yes… scared.. yes, happy that I took the leap, yes! This midlife freedom does not come without complications, twists and turns. This is a time to use your internal navigation optimally. Plug in some coordinates and see where it takes you. You can always turn around if it doesn’t suit you.

If I didn’t believe in the process at the start of the game, I sure believe it now. Of course, as life would openly demonstrate, this won’t be my first winding road, and it won’t be my last.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

Mark Twain

There are an abundance of rewards throughout life. Sometimes you just have to dig a little to find them. The ones I’ve stumbled on at midlife have been priceless. Watching my twins grow into young adults, in between the panic attacks. Letting go of things that just didn’t work out for me, with a heavy sigh of relief, and sadness.  Crossing paths with new people for many different reasons has been enlightening. And who knows what’s around the bend, that’s the exciting part. And if you need someone to talk to, check out this great website,

Believe in the process, take the steps, that’s the hard part, and see where the path leads you. You may be surprised!

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